To prevent from such loss following activities on agricultural technology wase introduced to the farmers of Bhavnagar and
Amreli districts:-
ICM/POP crop demonstration (Cotton, Groundnut, Gram, Onion, Vegetable).
Laser irrigation (onion, Groundnut, Fodder, Garlic).
Micro irrigation (Drip & Sprinkler).
Paired row cotton.
Grid locking mulching.
Transplanting cotton.
Detopping in Cotton.
White grub management.
Mulching grow cover with Water melon and Chilli.
Participatory varietal Selection (PVS) in Wheat.
High density plantation (Meadow orchard) in Guava.
New crop variety (Cotton, Groundnut, Castor, Vegetable, Fodder, Potato).
Low cost net house / small scale low cost nursery.
Trellis / Telephonic system.
Kitchen gardening.
Solar shock fencing.
Ber grafting.
Pheromone trap.
Yellow sticky trap / Blue sticky trap.
Live border fencing.