Vivekanand Research and Training Institute


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Who Are We?

Know Us

Introduction (1/3)

  • VRTI is working since 30 years in the field of rural development, education, health and agriculture. VRTI has got success in various activities such as health, education, women empowerment etc. through becoming helpful to society. Organisation’s specialities are in activities and issues of health care, education, women empowerment, SHGs, agriculture and environment. Organisation was formed with vision to provide equal chance of livelihood, education and health to youth, women and children and those who are financially backward.

  • Our team is dedicated to work for social change. Organisation is also organising trainings for those people who want to establish their own small / home business. Organisation is also active in activities of natural resource management and agriculture. Our main strength is our experienced team for successful implementation of programs from grassroots level.

Introduction (2/3)

  • From establishment of organization we had started our work in Amreli district to bring change in situation of health and education as per founder’s ideas and vision. Later on we had included work of primary education and Reproductive science and Child Health activities.

  • After seven years of establishment, we had started livelihood programs for women and vocational training for women. Organization has also included activities of building houses for Agariya (Salt Farm Workers) who are living on coastal area, awareness and renovation of historical places and educational researches.

Introduction (3/3)

  • Now as an experienced organization, we have started activities of natural resource management, formation of SHGs for self-employment and Skill Development Trainings.

  • For this type of work, organization has a strong experienced, skilled and trained team. With the help of team we have been performing well in activities like social awareness, education for children, income generation and sexual health etc. At present, we are working in Amreli and Bhavnagar district’s various Government departments, NABARD and local organisation for development of rural area.


  • To establish sustainable livelihood for the healthy mass


  • To work for the sustain women and children’s livelihood source and healthy living conditions


  • We, the members of Vivekanand Research and Training Institute, having understood the requirements of Rural and Urban Areas, have decided to join in this matter and make these areas self-dependent.
  • For this purpose we shall...
    • Carry on collected permanent development process
    • Conservation of natural resources and bring them up
    • Implement result oriented scheme of the Government and other institutions
    • Research will be conducted as per requirement
    • To render and to affected people in natural and man-made disaster
    • Co-operate with experts and other institutions
    • To plan for necessary training for proficient education technical know-how and science education
  • We all shall work with co-operations and faith in each other to achieve our aim of development.
How we established?

Our Founder

"Mr. Kantisen Shroff aka Kaka" the owner of Excel Industries and the head of the Shroff family was very much influenced by the thoughts of Late Shri Jay Prakash Narayan and Shri Vinoba Bhave who believed the prosperity of the nation is connected with the prosperity of the villages and the villages are the main foundation of country's economy.

With an aim to make villages self-reliant and for their socio-economic development, "Excel Gram Vikas Kendra" was formed in the year 1975 in Kutch, Gujarat state; wherein owing to the smashed profession of Agriculture and Animal husbandry, the migration was highly seen in the drought-prone villages. With the blessings of Pu. Swami Vyomanandji, Ramkrishna Mission, Rajkot, the organisation was renamed as "Shri Vivekanand Research and Training Institute" in the year 1978 and worked towards development of rural areas of Kutch.

Looking at the Kutch villages development, the villagers of Bhavnagar and Amreli district demanded for their villages socio economic development activity. Excel Industries already being established in Bhavnagar, in the year 1990, Pu. Kaka opened "Shri Vivekanand Research and Training Institute" in Bhavnagar and Amreli districts as a branch of Kutch, Gujarat state. The major work includes Water harvesting, recharge intervention, Soil and Water conservation, Water management, agriculture, environment, Institution development.

Looking at the beneficial impacts, augmentation of activities and for ease administrative operation; a separate trust named "Vivekanand Research and Training Institute, Bhavnagar" was formed and registered under Public Trust Act,1950 in the year 2005. Since 30 years, VRTI has been working in 240 villages of Bhavnagar and Amreli districts in association with different Government departments and Corporates on construction of Water harvesting structures, recharge interventions, water management, soil and water conservation, agriculture technology, vulnerable support, education, environment, health, hygiene, Institution development, training and capacity building.



Current leadership

Our Trustee

The founder of our organization, Shri Kantisen Shroff aka Kaka, influenced by the ideas of Shri Vinoba Bhave, Shri Jai Prakash Narayan and Mahatma Gandhi to make villages self reliant, preserve natural resources, its efficient use and with an aim of socio economic development of villages in the year 1988, Vivekanand Research and Training Institute was established in Bhavnagar and Amreli districts. In both the districts, activities such as water harvesting, environment, soil improvement, training and capacity building, etc. were carried out.

Mr. Dipeshbhai Shroff, impressed by his fathers ideals and thoughts has continued to carry out such rural development activities. Our organization has been receiving continuous guidance and financial support. As a result, our organization is carrying out various rural development activities in about 240 villages in both the districts with the help of various government schemes, corporate as well as donors. At present, Mr. Dipeshbhai Shroff is the trustee of our organization.



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