+91-0278-2525834 vrtibvn1@yahoo.co.in
The main source of livelihood of many people is agriculture. Approximately 70 % of the people directly rely on agriculture as a mean of living. Agriculture is the art and science of cultivating the soil, growing crops, and raising livestock. It includes the preparation of plant and animal products for people to use and their distribution to markets.
The shortfall of rain water and large-volumes of ground water extraction have led to seawater ingress. The progressively increasing salinity is covering more agricultural land. The prolonged use of high salt content / saline water for irrigation has led to increase in soil salinity, electrical conductivity, and high osmotic pressure has resulted in decline in agricultural productivity and decreased soil fertility, rendering the large area of land unsuitable for future sustainable cultivation. The salinity / sodicity of the soil adversely affects the crop productivity. The reduction in the crop yield will be more if the crop/variety grown is not tolerant to salinity / sodicity.
The farmers are less aware of soil health and do not take necessary steps / practice to improve soil quality. The excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides for increasing crop production leads to micro nutrients deficiency, reduction in moisture holding capacity, diseases, low productivity and thereby leading to migration.
Soil and Water sample testing & Soil mapping.
Gypsum application.
Trichoderma enrichment with Castor cake.
In situ green manuring / Green manuring.
Vermiwash unit.
Netting composting.
Compost pit.
FYM enrichment.
Amrit pani / Jivamrut.
Reduced salinity.
Improved nutrient status and soil fertility.
Improved soil health.
15% reduction in cost of cultivation.
20 % Increased crop yield.
Reduction in migration.