In 1994, VRTI initiated its work in the field of education in villages of Bhavnagar and
Amreli district of Gujarat state. The villages were deprived of development due to
following problems:-
Low levels of education in the villages.
People were orthodox and superstitious.
Unaware of government schemes of the banking sector.
Highly seen - illiteracy rate, addiction rate, drop-out ratio in schools, child labor,
child marriage, dowry, inequality among men and women, casteism, provincialism,
Lack of knowledge on health, hygiene, hazards of filth and garbage wastes.
Increase in water-borne and other diseases.
Lack of knowledge on human rights among the people.
Lack of additional skills, since the occupation of the people was limited to farming
and animal husbandry.
Looking at these problems, VRTI conducted Need Base Assessment and embarked
following operations:-
Superstitions, witchcraft, child labor, dowry, casteism, provincialism, child
marriage, inequality, untouchability among the people..
Health and hygiene – importance of hand wash, personal hygiene, bathrooms and
Village cleaning, soak pit, waste collection, waste disposal.
As per the survey of child labors at village level and in slum areas, built special
schools for them and mainstreamed towards education.
Provide support teachers, facilitate schools with various ammenities such as
Library, Laboratory, Playground, Sports kit, CC TV camera, LCD – Projector and
installation of Learning delight software, Building as Learning Aid(BALA) concept,
provide educational kit to children.
Organize youth development programs such as cultural program, disaster
management, life skills training.
Provide training and capacity building of panchayat members, water committee
members, education committee members, children, teachers, anganwadi worker,
asha workers, women, farmers, empowerment of women.
Provide skill based training - Computer Training, Tailoring Training, Beauty Parlor,
Beads Work, Animal Husbandry Training, Pottery Training, Incense Stick Making
Training, Chalk Making Training, Canning training, Jhullah making training,
Gender Equality Training, Exposure Visit.